by juanalvaro | Mar 8, 2015 | Reviews
Como ya es tradición, el Teatro Campoamor fue el lugar elegido por la Oviedo Filarmonía para dar la bienvenida a este 2015. Dirigida esta vez no por su director titular, sino por el estadounidense Arthur Fagen la orquesta nos presentó un programa típicamente Vienés …...
by juanalvaro | Nov 12, 2014 | Reviews
The orchestra from the first swish of Arthur Fagen’s baton was exquisite. The strings hummed with the sweet sadness layered in Verdi’s score. Listening to the Act 1 prelude carried the audience to Violetta’s party in scene 1. The orchestra played as one instrument...
by juanalvaro | Sep 17, 2014 | Reviews
The Chautauqua Opera Orchestra never sounded better, in my experience, than they did under the baton of conductor Arthur Fagen. The intensity of the orchestra was wedded to the swell and fall of the singing on the stage, and it helped very much to create that crucial...
by juanalvaro | Jun 4, 2014 | Reviews
La orquesta fue magnifica desde que Arthur Fagen levanto su batuta hasta que el ultimo trazo de sonido se esfumo en el, Jorge Luis Flores Hernandez, June 2014 Il maestro Arthur Fagen ha diretto con esperienza comunicando emozione e intensità...
by juanalvaro | Mar 21, 2014 | Reviews
Atlanta Opera’s spring production of Faust at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre began in a promising way (seen March 11). It is difficult to overstate the remarkable improvement in the opera orchestra’s playing since Maestro Arthur Fagan joined ranks with the...
by juanalvaro | Nov 5, 2013 | Reviews
Conductors skills and background the right mix [….] on Wednesday evening a beautifully prepared concert in Auer Hall by the Chamber Orchestra: Rossini’s Overture to La scala di seta, Ottorino Respighi’s Gli Uccelli and Mozart’s Symphony n....