Arthur Fagen’s Naxos recording continues to be highly acclaimed by critics

Oct 16, 2020

Arthur Fagen’s newest Naxos recording with the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra got high praise in many of the most prestigious magazines and newspapers. “Arthur Fagen conducts each score with incisive authority” writes Donald Rosenberg on Gramophone Magazine; “Fagen delivers polished performances and gets excellent playing from the Vienna Radio Symphony” published Fanfare in July; “Arthur Fagen and the ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra provide us with another crucial look at this complex, vibrant opus” says Seth Colter Walls on the New York Times. The CD is one of the favorite recording of the month in New York Radio WQXR: “Headlining is Fagen’s sure-handed interpretation of William Levi Dawson’s Negro Folk Symphony”.

Complete reviews are published here.